We offer the following types of Memberships (you must have a valid PAL)
- 1 person Yearly - $500.00 Bring a guest pass for the day $15.00 Up to 3 guests per visit.
- 1 person 6 Months - $300.00 Bring guest pass for the day $15.00 Upto 3 guests per visit.
- 1 person yearly Saturday only - $375.00 Bring a guest pass for the day $15.00 Up to 3 guests per visit.
- Family- $675.00 year Bring a guest pass for the day $15.00 Upto 3 guests per visit.
- 1 member
- 1 spouse
- 2 children at the same address(under 18 above the age of 14)
Membership has the following benefits:
- Shooting at the premiere range in western Canada.
- Try before you buy gun rentals, you must use our ammo in our guns. We have over 50 rental guns!
- Manitoba's only indoor 223 templated Rifle rated range. (see approved caliber page)
- Using the range facility all year round not just for the 4-5 months of summer.
- Staying warm & Dry all year round.
- Not having to drive 1 hour to go into the bush or sandpits. (you save aprox $30.00 in fuel per bush or sand pit trip).